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Miss Musings Writing Essentials
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Thank you for subscribing (if you did)  I will post anything I think of, read, or find on writing here. Essentially  on Wednesdays, however it may be more sporadically through out the month. (so sometimes it may be once a week, a couple times a month  it all depends what I have found or thought of)

What will be on the pages here (in the menu above)  I pretty much wrote on (now closed) and  I was pretty sad as it was a great page that did especially well during exam times. I do not just have how to write creatively like novels etc. But help on how to write a poem (varying sorts at that), Book reports and so much more.

As far as posts go I will cover creative writing,  blogging (more likely with reblogging as I don’t think I’ve hit my 1st year anniversary on here yet), and want to help any others new or even the seasoned vets as it’s always good to get a refresher.

If you would like to write for Miss Musings, you can email me directly from the side bar (that typewriter) just note in the subject you want to write for me.  I am welcoming others to contribute now. After a trial period I will promote you to an author


A Contributor can create and edit only their own posts, but cannot publish them. When one of their posts is ready to be published or has been revised, the Administrator needs to be notified personally by the Contributor to review it. Furthermore, once a Contributor’s post is approved and published by an Administrator, it can no longer be edited by the Contributor.


An Author can create, edit, publish, and delete only their own posts, as well as upload files and images. Authors do not have access to create, modify, or delete pages, nor can they modify posts by other users. Authors can edit comments made on their posts.


Email Miss Musings  * Twitter @kymoDragon * facebook KimMarieOstrowski *  



If you want to share the articles by myself  or fellow authors you may do so using the proper outlets (the buttons below each article to reblog) without my consent is fine. Otherwise

If you want to use any content or images (for reports etc)  please contact me first (it’s best by Facebook or twitter) or use the contact form . Some posts are re-blogged and cannot give the consent for those, but others I have done the research etc work.   You need to ask first please Same for pictures (as some are my own)

Feel free to refer back here anytime, though!


Hire me!

  • Contributor Work (DIY tutorials, craft tips etc)
  • Collaborations
  • Sponsored Posts
  • Product Placement on the blog
  • Proof writing/Edits


If you think Your site or company will benefit from an advertisement in my sidebar, or an upcoming feature I’m offering the space for $20 Per Month

   I am currently accepting sponsors.

Sidebar Sponsorship:  I would love to feature your business on my sidebar. When you become a sponsor for this blog your button will be located on my sidebar for the duration noted, and I will do an awesome post about your business & how cool you are.

Right now, you can sponsor this blog for donations starting at

$50 (one time donation) will pay for 1 month of top billing in the Sidebar (but may leave for 3- 6 months if no one else takes the offer  (and  a big discount for the monthly and weekly donations)

$20  for week  …your ad top billing in side bar

$15 for a week and will be ‘somewhere’ in middle area of sidebar for a week

$10 for a week somewhere bottom of the sidebar

$5 (per)  article sponsorship

Reviews & Articles: can be sponsored for a one time $10 donation to include your advertisement somewhere in one of these



  • include a .jpeg image of your ad (Logo with any writing)
  • website where to find product or service from the ad
  • and up to 3 other promotions
  • Email must be included to be contacted for any follow up questions or information (even suggestions)

You can make your donation via paypal with the donation button here

or Please  Email ZodiacImmortal  or on facebook   and we can work something out.


Product Samples, Sponsor /Endorsements 

I will accept products to review that are related to this blog or my others  (Beauty/ Health, Crafts, Entertainment & writing etc) and whether it is sponsored or not I will only write honest reviews of my own opinion. (That means a good review cannot be bought but will mention both pros and cons of the product as well any improvements that I think could be made or would like to see made) Sponsored posts or products received to be reviewed will be noted accordingly. If you’re interested in sending me any products for writing a sponsored review, please drop me a quick e-mail.

I DO NOT claim to be an expert in anything other than by my own experience.


Giveaways:  I love having giveaways on my blog. Your giveaway needs to be something that I feel will benefit my readers. The only thing that I ask is that the minimum of your giveaway is a gift worth at least $10.00-$20.  Your giveaway will  be on my sidebar with a link to your business for 3 months & like I mentioned above

* receive it’s own post spotlight.
*  promote your business on Twitter, Facebook once or twice during the time  your giveaway is going on and at least once on my other social networks  .
* Your ad or link will be on my sidebar for up to 3 months while the giveaway is going on, (and includes the time after it ends)
for example If  You start one October 1st and ends the 13th (or 31st) …. It would be taken down the end of the year (though you may get extra time if I don’t get to taking it off right that day)
   This option is for one item sent to me to review + one for the giveaway   Please  Contact Zi for address 

*By entering a contest you agree that Zodiacimmortal as well as any respective affiliates, will have no liability, and will be held harmless from and against any liability or loss, including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, for all matters related to your acceptance, possession, experience with, use or misuse of the prize or participation in the promotion.

*I reserve the right to cancel or modify a promotion at any time.

* Any personal information submitted (email, Phone #, address) in connection with a contest or receiving the prize will be treated with the Utmost privacy.

Sponsored posts or products received to be reviewed will be noted accordingly.  If you are interested in sending me any products for writing a sponsored review (ie: Endorsing you), please drop me a quick e-mail.

You can pay via paypal via the donation button here

To tell you a bit about me

My name is Kim and I love to read & write. In the past I mostly wrote poems, I still have many of those to work on and would like to publish a book of them. I was writing on the now defunct and thought I’d try a few different places to see what would be best. So far I do like WordPress, although I hate having to switch between text & visual (I can never find where I need to put the code if I have a long page and I already learned that posting the code in the visual well.. you just see the code.

I am more or less (lately less) working on a couple of stories but I have so many interests I guess I get to into one to get to writing at least a page of those a day. One story is titled “Ghost Writer’ which You will soon find a page of so you can give me some feedback. (It’s the first page or 2 &then the last one or 2 pages I wrote so far plus the revise-al.

I have a beautiful black cat named Sully, (who may be in one of my posts on one of my other blogs or may-be soon) after my favorite band Godsmack’s lead singer Sully Erna. I also like to do other craft type stuff whatever I’m in the mood for. Lately it’s been making earrings (over the summer I made a bunch for myself and at least 2-3 for family & friends. Now I have 2 sets made so far for holiday gifts for friends.

I also like sewing, I have a patchwork that first I made into a body pillow case, but have decided I will just add onto it to make it a giant multi-use ‘blanket’, as in A blanket, curtain, curtain for a doorway, cape, and anything else. I just haven’t decided how big i actually want it (aside from being a little bigger than the living room doorway.

I am very into Halloween, movies (especially horror) and my zodiac sign the Scorpio. That stuff you can find on  My Main Word press Blog

 where to Follow

Follow my blog Miss Musings with Bloglovin* * *pinterest.kymodragon/ * google+/about *


You can find my other blogs here

ZodiacImmortal Dividerfight

grab button for Zi's Beauty Balm
Crafter Crums     (which I may use an an Annex for my wordpress blogs now, like what is not aloud on them)

(here’s the text links for the blogs in case the image/links do not wok zodiacimmortal (Variety) zisbeautybalm and miss musings writing essentials * craft and entertainment blog as well. Yu can also



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