Isn’t It Lovely: Understanding Blog Awards

04 Dec
Isn’t It Lovely: Understanding Blog Awards

Ah maybe after a year I’d hope to receive at least one, on one of my blogs. I am jsut not sure which I’d be most happy to receive it on.

The Daily Post

As you explore the blogging community, you’ve probably seen bloggers whose sidebars are filled with awards. Maybe you’ve even gotten one of these yourself:

award collage

There are dozens of awards circulating in the blogosphere. Where do they come from? How do you get one? What’s the point? Today, we demystify the world of blog awards with our award FAQ.

Who creates these awards?

There are vote-based programs like the Bloggies, but most of the awards that you get directly from other bloggers, like the “Sunshine Award” or “Versatile Blogger Award,” are created, maintained, and handed out by bloggers. That is, bloggers began them as a way to recognize other bloggers, and the community perpetuates them by continuing to hand them out.

Unlike the automated notifications and trophies you may sometimes receive when you see a spike in traffic or get a certain number of likes, these awards don’t come from —…

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Posted by on December 4, 2014 in blogging, Reblogged


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