Daily Archives: February 11, 2015

10 Online Tools for Creative Writers

10 Online Tools for Creative Writers


By Robert Morris

If you are a writer, all you’re supposed to do is sit down, open a plain word processor and write. Wrong! Other people think that a writer only needs to be creative and commit to a daily working schedule, but you know it’s never that easy. You need to get through writer’s blocks, find supporting facts from areas you don’t understand, edit the content to perfection, attract clients and readers, manage your finances and cover many other aspects associated to your job.

In fewer words, you need to find the right tools that will help you work more effectively. There is no need to test dozens of online apps to get to the best ones; the following list of top 10 tools for writers will save your time.


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This is not a writing tool per se, but it’s effective for all bloggers and writers who base…

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How They Did It: The Daily Habits of Famous Writers [Infographic]

How They Did It: The Daily Habits of Famous Writers [Infographic]


By Mike Hanski – Courtesy of

Famous authors attract enormous attention. Sometimes daily rituals, habits and customs of famous writers are quite weird indeed. Fans are trying to copy out the behavior of their idols, their wardrobe, and even make numerous plastic surgeries to become one step closer to the stars. The motivation behind such behavior can be explained for sure. It might be either irrational (just to have fun) or rational – to get the same results. E.g., Jack London was a huge fan of Rudyard Kipling, and he rewrote (i.e. w/o a typewriter) his books.

So, what’s the role of writers’ customs in their masterhood? It’s an important question because a clear understanding of reality helps with smarter predictions as to the future. Finding a causation is not easy. Human brain processes images 60 000 times faster than text, so we designed an infographic to visualize a…

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Posted by on February 11, 2015 in Creative writing


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Poetry tools

poetry tools anchor chart


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